Academic Success Program

During your time at UNCA, you will be in “Good Academic Standing” as long as your cumulative and semester GPA is at or above 2.0, and you maintain a 67% completion ratio each semester.

Occasionally, you might experience personal or academic hardships that results in a lower GPA. In these instances, you will be on “Academic Warning” and placed into the Academic Success Program (ASP).

You can be placed on Academic Warning if:

  • Your semester GPA drops below 2.0, or
  • Your cumulative GPA drops below 2.0, or
  • Your completion ratio (the number of earned hours divided by the number of attempted hours), either for the semester or cumulative, is less than 67%.
    • Audits, Incompletes/IP, and Withdrawals all count as hours attempted and not hours earned. These will negatively impact the completion ratio.
      • Dropping a course during the Add/Drop Period (typically the first week of the semester) does not count as a withdrawal and will not impact the completion ratio.

To regain Good Academic Standing, you must meet all the following requirements:

  • Earn at least a 2.25 semester GPA, and
  • Have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA, and
  • Successfully complete at least 70% of your semester classes

To learn more about UNCA Academic Standing policies, please visit the Registrar’s website or the course catalog.

Academic Success Program:

  • In the Academic Success Program students work alongside an Academic Success Coach. ASP meetings are student-driven and address a variety of academic success topics as well as the challenges that might impede a student’s path to long-term success. Students will reflect on their own educational history, identify strengths and weaknesses, and work on strategies and skills to help improve academic performance and their overall educational experience.
  • You can use this link for an outline of the Academic Success Program. The outline covers what ASP is, the responsibilities of the student, the role of the coach, and services not provided by coaches.
  • Current list of ASP Coaches


ASP Myth Busters:
  • Myth: I will have to write additional papers or have additional coursework while in the program.
    • No, additional coursework will not be required while participating in ASP.
  • Myth: If I meet with my ASP coach, I will be removed from Academic warning.
    • No, in order for a student to be removed from Academic Warning, the student will have to meet the requirements for good standing (see above).
  • Myth: ASP coaches do mental health counseling.
    • No, ASP coaches will not do counseling of any nature, but they can refer you to the necessary places.
  • Myth: My academic standing will be impacted if I don’t take my ASP coaches recommendation.
    • Your academic standing will not be affected if you decide not to implement your ASP coaches recommendation. Your academic standing for the next term is determined by your completion ratio, cumulative GPA, and semester GPA.
  • Myth: Participating in ASP guarantees that I will make good grades.
    • Good grades are determined by the effort the student puts in their course work.
  • Myth: My ASP coach can help me with being motivated.
    • Your ASP coach can help you identify motivating factors, but they cannot create motivation for you.


FAQs about ASP:

  • When will I receive more information about ASP? 
    • An email will be sent to you with details during the first week of classes.
  • How will this affect my financial aid?
  • Am I in trouble?
    • No, Academic warning is just the university telling you that your academics need attention and that your academic performance was not sufficient to meet the requirements for Good Academic Standing. 
  • Is the program free?
    • Yes, the program is free for all UNCA students.
  • Is the program mandatory?
    • No, but it is strongly encouraged that students on Academic Warning attend and actively participate in the program. Students who participate in the program are more likely to have a better outcome than students who do not participate.  
  • Will the AW standing be on my transcript?
    • Yes, the Academic Warning shows on your transcript, only for the semester that you are Academic Warning  
  • My GPA is above a 3.0, should I still be in the program?
    • Yes,  Academic Warning is determined based on your cumulative and/or semester GPA as well as your completion ratio. If your GPA is above a 2.0 for both the semester and overall, determine your completion ratio for the semester in question by dividing the credit hours you earned [through passing a class] by the credit hours you were enrolled in for the semester. Your completion ratio needs to be above 67% in order to be in Good Standing.
  • Can I choose my coach?
    • Coaches are assigned, but if you would like to choose your coach you can reach out to the coordinator and request to be re-assigned.
  • Do we have to meet in person?
    • ASP meetings are generally in person. If that does not reflect your preference, speak with your coach about alternative arrangements.
  • Will my ASP coach  communicate with my instructor ?
    • Your ASP coach will only reach out to your instructor if needed. 
  • Will my ASP coach reach out to my parents/family members?
    • No, ASP coaches will not reach out to your parents/family members.
  • Do all of the ASP coaches follow the same curriculum?
    • ASP is tailored to each student’s specific circumstances, goals and needs. 
  • If I participate in the program, and the requirements aren’t met by the end of the semester, will I be suspended?
    • Any student on Academic Warning who does not regain Good Academic Standing at the end of the semester is potentially subject to a one-semester suspension from the university. Academic Standing is reviewed at the end of each semester and in addition to your semester and term GPA and your completion ratio, your engagement in the Academic Success Program as well as the overall trend of your academic performance will be taken into consideration to determine if a suspension is warranted.
  • If I get suspended after Spring, can I still take the Summer courses I have registered for?
    • If you are enrolled in a Maymester course you will be allowed to take and finish that course. All other summer courses will be dropped unless you submit a suspension appeal and the appeal is granted.